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Name: jombi doll
Date: 09/12/2015
Message: Cognitive impairment occurs when the brain does not work as well as before For example a person experiencing cognitive decline may have trouble learning using language or remembering things Some cognitive.

Date: 01/12/2007
Message: I am going to forward this to debbie Copley to review and determine if she might want to join. Jane Ailes

Name: Matt Anderson
Date: 10/04/2006
Message: Im glad to see the website, hopefully this will encourage member communication and participation.

Name: Robin, Peter & Anya
Date: 08/26/2006
Message: This is great- congrats on the launch

Name: Evelyn Appelbaum
Date: 08/26/2006
Message: Congratulations to our website designers. I am looking forward to our exchanges.

Name: Darroll
Date: 07/05/2006
Message: Nice

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